More People, More Active, More Often
To deliver an inclusive range of health and wellbeing initiatives whilst providing a clean, safe and happy leisure experience.
We will be open, honest and friendly when communicating with customers and partners, treating everyone with respect.
Equality, diversity and inclusion
We aim to ensure that the opportunities the Trust provides are accessible, are available on a non-discriminatory basis and provide maximum health and wellbeing benefits for all.
Continuous Improvement
We will strive to make the experience of users and visitors better by continually reviewing our activities and procedures.
Partnership working
We will develop and sustain strong and effective partnerships with local and national organisations in pursuit of our vision: More People, More Active, More Often.
We will explore the introduction of new products and services, driven by technology, industry research and best practice.
We will ensure that all our staff are professionally qualified and/or appropriately trained to deliver the service required and respond effectively and quickly to customer enquiries.
Environmental awareness
We will endeavour to be an environmentally conscious organisation and will continually review our services to ensure best practice.