Wadurs Swimming Pool Closure (14th - 16th April) & SPLC upstairs changing room closure (24th & 25th March)READ MORE

These sessions are taught by our highly qualified instructors and run every day of the week during term time. Lessons are approx. 20-25 minutes long, in a 30 minute time-slot. Aquaschool is included within the FIT4 Membership. Junior FIT4 is £35 per month with a £15 joining fee.

If you are interested in swimming lessons and are already a Junior FIT4 member, please leave us a few details on the below form.

If you are interested in swimming lessons but are not currently a Junior FIT4 member, you can register for lessons via CoursePro by tapping here

Swimming Lessons Enquiry

  • Please provide your full name for contact purposes
  • Parent or guardian's contact address
  • Please ensure you enter a valid phone number
  • Please ensure you enter a valid email address
  • Name of ChildFIT4 number (if member)AgeSwimming Ability 
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
FIT4 Price:
Centre Member Price:
N/A - All swimming lessons are for FIT4 Members only
Non Member:
N/A - All swimming lessons are for FIT4 Members only

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